Project Details
Advanced American Construction was hired by Gunderson to reinforce and strengthen the Gunderson barge launching railways to support the upcoming launch of two barges. The aging railways required repairs to many of the timber support piles along with the structrural caps. The project included a combination of sleeving piles, stubbing piles and driving new timber piles as well as installation of high capacity steel piles at the end of the rails to account for the last tipping load during launching. The construction sequence required performing work at the same time that the barge was being fabricated on the upper level of the railways so AAC's initial sequence had to be modified to avoid impact on the barge fabrication process. AAC worked around barge launch schedules and completed the work during limited in-water work windows while still staying on budget and on schedule. AAC was able to complete the work efficiently despite modification to pile lengths to accommodate geotechnical conditions and changing ground conditions, and substantial additional scope related to excavation and environmental works.
Project Video
AAC at Gunderson Marine
Video Tour