Henderson Bay Crossing Rebuild

Prime Contractor: Magnum Power
Owner: Tacoma Power

Purdy, WA
August 2018 - October 2018
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Project Details

Tacoma Power replaced the towers and power lines that cross Henderson Bay and Burley Lagoon near Purdy, WA. The four lattice towers in the water were replaced with one steel pole, and the four lattice towers on land were replaced with four poles. 

AAC performed marine support to the Prime Contractor, Magnum Power.  AAC's work included pile driving of temporary power poles, pile driving of the new 66" pole base, erection of the new pole, removal of the existing towers and their marine foundations.  AAC will also provided general marine support for Magnum Power during the project.

This project has the following unique characteristics:
  • All work is performed within a tidal zone that almost completely dries out
  • Crane work is regularly performed inside of and within two 115 KVA transmission lines.
  • Worksite lies in a very sensitive environmental area
  • The work requires extensive planning and onsite coordination for every movement and activity 

Project Highlights

  • Installation of 2 EA - 125-foot-long temp poles
  • Installation of new 66" x 1.25" pile for the marine foundation base
  • Erection of 170-foot-tall new power pole
  • Removal of 4 EA lattice tower structure
  • Removal of 4 EA marine foundations (approximately 650 tons of concrete)
  • APE 600 Super Kong Vibro Hammer & APE D-100 Diesel Hammer

Project Photos

Project Video

Tacoma Report Henderson Potlach Update 10-27-18
Video Tour

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