Project Details
AAC worked with the US Army Corps of Engineers on the Lower Granite Dam Fish Ladder Temperature improvements project. The project consisted of fabrication and delivery of steel components to improve fish passage at Lower Granite Dam. AAC procured the materials and performed the on-site installation. On-site work consisted heavily of derrick barge and diving operations. AAC regularly dove 5-7 men a day to accomplish the work.
The project was performed safely and efficiently. The team performed over 120 dives on-site without incident or injury. All work was completed within the USACE in-water work window.
The majority of the project consisted of work to be performed underwater by divers, which in itself is a difficult task. The addition of heavy crane operations to support this work added to the complexity of the project.
AAC worked with Waite Specialties - Fabrication. Extreme Coatings - Coatings. Bernert Barge Lines - Towing. NorthPoint Electric - Electrical