US Government Moorings - Dock Removal

Prime Contractor: Rhine Demolition
Owner: US Army Corps of Engineers

Portland, OR
August 2015 - December 2015
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Project Details

Advanced American Construction assisted Rhine Demolition with crane support for dock demolition.  AAC Removed and recycled the existing dock crane,  Wiresawed and removed approximately 200 tons of concrete from the site with all work performed safely and efficiently. AAC performed critical wiresaw work over water without incident and also performed three USACE desiginated "critical picks" safely and without incident.

Project Highlights

  • Perfomred marine crane service onsite at Rhines direction  
  • Work included dock demolition and salvage
  • Removed and recycled a large stiff-leg dock crane
  • Wiresawed and removed three large concrete crane bases.  Concrete pieces were approximatly 65 Tons each

Project Photos

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